How to Start Programming the Arduino Audio Meter

5 years 7 months ago - 5 years 7 months ago #1830 by Ray
The Arduino Audio Analyzer is a programmable guitar pedal that works with the Arduino UNO board. It is able to read an audio signal and create effects on the four 8x8 LED matrices. This is a short guide to start programming your own effects:

1. What Do You Need to Know About the Hardware?
You need to know which pins of the Arduino UNO board are used and hardware resources (encoder, push-button, 8x8 Matrix, etc.).

This image resumes the hardware configuration:

Summarizing we have:
  • Encoder: Connected to A3, A4, A5
  • Push-Button: Connected to A2
  • Analog input signal: Connected to A0

If you want to know more about the hardware you can have a look at the Arduino Audio Meter Schematic

2. Installing the Software.
You would need the Arduino IDE Software. It is available in the Arduino Software page with all the instructions . There is also a "Getting Started with Arduino" guide for more details if you are new to it.

Once all the software is installed your system should look like this:

3. Lets Start Coding!
We have a series of effects already coded and available in the forum. You can learn from them and do modifications. The idea is to have these codes as a base to start improving or coding your own ideas. Therefore, these codes have a balance between performance and complexity so you can understand them easily.

Going from easy to difficult, the natural evolution is:

  1. Tips and Tricks for Coding the Arduino Audio Meter.
  2. Space Invader Display Test
  3. Lamp Project (Bars)
  4. Lamp Project (Intensity)
  5. Lamp Project (Fire)
  6. Random Generator ScreenSaver
  7. Games: Snake
  8. Games: Ping Pong
  9. Games: Mini Race
  10. Games: Game of Life
  11. Games: Game of Life
  12. Audio: Frequency Detector
  13. Audio: Gutiar Tuner - Comparison
  14. Audio: Gutiar Tuner - Indication
  15. Audio: Sound Level Meter - Bars
  16. Audio: Sound Level Meter - Intensity
  17. Audio: Spectrum Meter 32x8
  18. Audio: Spectrum Meter 16x16 - My favourite!

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