Reduce noise with sleep function

7 years 4 months ago #1034 by ucfanrg
Hi there,

I've stopped the project for while because I am stuck with an issue that prevents me from moving forward, and it's the annoying hiss you hear from the Microcontroller.

I Understand that when the Microcontroller is running, you get a lot of noise from all the component around. There is a way to fix this on AVR system (like the Arduino UNO) because it has a sleep function that lets the ADC run but shuts down the CPU and the clocks, and when the ADC is ready, it wakes up.

I am struggling to find a good tutorial about Sleep function with interrupts on ARM Cortex M3.

Do you guys have any experience with that?

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7 years 4 months ago #1036 by Ray
Hi, it is a good idea, I did not know about it, I have been checking around and there are some talks in the Arduino DUE forum:

I will try to see if I can make something to run.

Anyway try to use a good power supply (not just a USB connection), it makes a huge difference.

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7 years 4 months ago #1037 by ucfanrg

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