There was a guy describing how to implement quite advanced filters. I copy/paste his message:
I enjoyed discovering the pedalSHIELD - it was an inspiration for my own first steps in putting together an audio application on the DUE, which is
described on my blog
My system implements a variable band-pass filter, using Fast Convolution, running at 44.1 / 48 kHz.
Whilst it was built for an application in Amateur Radio, extension to use as a general audio effect is obvious. The filter framework will support any filter shape (although the filter design aspect is currently specific to the band-pass application).
Unfortunately, my code isn't open source at the moment - it is part of a larger project.
I also enjoyed the wider scope of the ElectroSmash website, having done some analysis of the Tube Screamer myself,
and developed a MIDI-controlled TS.
Good luck with pedalSHIELD.
So you can use the Atmel DSP libraries or also try an easier approach, like implementing low pass filters in C for fixed points microcotrollers, like
Microchip PICs
I can't always use my amplifier, so I use guitar --> distortion effect --> small mixer --> headphones. Guitar sound was far from good, so I've built simple analog cabinet simulator. Now the sound is better.
Have anybody tried to program the pedalSHIELD to use it as a speaker/cabinet simulator?