My kit arrived in the post yesterday. It took me about 3 hours from unboxing to fully tested. I didn't have any surprise issues. I followed the instructions and everything went together and tested out to spec.
My one suggestion is that I installed standard PCB pins in both through holes for the debug connection and used a female-female breadboard style jumper to enable debug.
I just pulled out the wire jumper when done with the debug step.
No cutting or desoldering or resoldering in the future if I need to debug. (or perhaps use that pin for something else now that debug is done)
Congrats looks neat! , thanks for your suggestion. I will bear it in mind for the future, we use the R28 "idea" because it is simple and in theory, once you have built it, you probably won't need it anymore, but it's interesting anyway.
Thanks Ray. The way you've implemented the Arduino and the current sinks with this design is excellent. As you've already seen on my Instagram, I've been transferring the breadboard over to the PCB today - also an excellent design, love the drilling template and break off parts.
Here's a few build photos....
I also did a timelapse, I'l post that too as soon as I edit.
Only issue I had was human error, I soldered the Footswitch onto the wrong side! Took a bit of desoldering to get it corrected. Always manage to make one error when I'm building, I think of it as my payment to the deity of pedal builders -- or something like that
Also, thanks Andrew, I implemented some socket pins for debug, so I could jumper a wire across too, good thinking.
Having the voltage test points in the guide is a great idea and enabled me to test my soldering before installing the chips. All in all a good build, going to box it up this week. Look forward to playing around with the code over the next few weeks, will post anything interesting here.
Here's my finished box. I got the graphics from the download documents and scaled/adapted them using photo editing software. As it's just me using the pedal, I decided to just go for the main graphic and leave the labels, I liked the aesthetics...
Few notes.
1. I'm not sure if the drilling template is meant to be 1:1 but it wasn't when I printed it, so I had to scale it in software.
2. I socketed the transistors but they didn't really fit in the sockets which meant it didn't initially work when I boxed it. This was entirely my fault of course but something to watch for if anyone decided to do the same. I'm going to solder them direct to the board next time I have it open.
3. I have a volume drop issue and have been doing some checks and experiments with my circuit, I will report any findings over the next few days.
Really rewarding and great build. Inspiring and I've just bought a spare ATmega chip so I can do some experiments with the code.