Can you use a previously bootloaded Atmega328P?

5 years 3 months ago #1814 by Coelhomatias
Hi, so i finished my build and tested all the voltages and all checks out, but then i realised i had to put the Atmega running on its inside 8MHz clock! I tried using your tutorial, other tutorials and so many things and failed every time. I'm using a chip that i took out of a arduino uno board, so my question is, can you burn the 8Mhz bootloader on an Atmega328p-PU that had another bootloader previously burned into it?
Thank you,

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5 years 3 months ago #1817 by Ray
Using an ATMEGA328P-PU out of the Arduino UNO board wont work, as they are programmed to work on a 16MHz external clock.
We have tutorials to do it here:
And also Arduino has tutorials in their site:
This guy has a nice tutorial on Youtube:

Your question:

can you burn the 8Mhz bootloader on an Atmega328p-PU that had another bootloader previously burned into it?

YES, you can burn anything on an ATMEGA328, even if it had another bootloader before. Burning a new bootloader will erase the previous one (is like writing in a memory card).

Another hardware approach is to solder a 16MHz clock with 2 caps into the Time MAnipulator board, so you could use a uC directly taken from an Arduino Board, but you would need to be pretty good soldering to do it in the board....

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